Police force and port authority open dronePORT Hamburg
Drones and mobile sensors
dronePORT Hamburg_01: Developed by HHLA Sky, the control centre serves at the dronePORT Hamburg as an ops control for the use of uncrewed systems on land, water and in the air.
Be it for bridge inspections from the air, underwater monitoring of harbour basins or patrol flights over the Lower Elbe from the Geesthacht barrage to the spherical beacon in Cuxhaven: in future, all threads for BVLOS drone operations by the police and the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) will come together at the newly opened dronePort at Hamburg Port. A key step towards the future – both for the two authorities and for the drone economy as a whole.
A square measuring just 10 x 10 metres for take-off and landing, a few office containers, and small drone hangar. This is all it takes to turn an inconspicuous plot of land in the port of Hamburg into the innovative dronePORT. From here drones will be piloted and controlled in future without the need for a pilot at the deployment site. Enabling this so-called BVLOS operation (“Beyond Visual Line Of Sight”) is a control centre operated by HHLA Sky, a subsidiary of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG. This makes it possible to coordinate the parallel deployment of over 100 uncrewed systems on land, water and in the air. Initiated by the HPA, the police as well as aviation cluster Hamburg Aviation, the dronePORT is perfectly positioned as a “proof of concept” to improve the acceptance of mobile sensors used safely in the complex environment of a city of 1.8 million and to provide important momentum for commercial drone usage.
> This feature was produced in cooperation with Drones, the magazine for the Drone Economy. www.drones-magazin.de